- they need me downstairsI love this time Our time when it’s just you and me as I lay you down for your nap. Turn on the sound maker. Zip up the sleep sack. See the light filter in through your fox and flower curtains. Holding you as I… Read more: they need me downstairs
- neededYou’re two and a half. You still need me as you fall asleep sometimes it’s the rocking chair sometimes it’s sitting by your bed as you drift. Tonight it was both It can be hard to be needed so late into your day Tonight it… Read more: needed
- just like thatIt’s time.I put the clothes on the porch. Someone is coming to pick them up. It’s their first baby and they could really use them. And they’ve been sitting in a pile ready to go for a while. All her little outfits she’s outgrown. They’re… Read more: just like that
- blessed mamaI hear them downstairs little voices and big hearts dishes clanking giggles and assertive toddlers. footsteps coming up the stairs.”Surprise mommy!” blueberry pancakes on our biggest cutting board with all the fixin’s “I poured the orange juice!””I helped daddy mix the batter!” and so many… Read more: blessed mama
- popcornOur popcorn snack one sunny afternoon.
- tiny dancerOne day Annie wanted to dance around our playroom (which is a pretty usual request). So she got all her ballet stuff on and we turned on some ballerina music. I noticed the moment and how sweet it was and grabbed my camera to capture… Read more: tiny dancer
- out exploringI love taking my kids around to new places to explore and bringing my camera and just snapping away at them being silly and having fun. Nothing beats some fresh air and warm lighting.
- a walk with AnnieOne day while the rest of the kiddos were at school and Lois was taking a nap, Annie and I went on a misty walk just the two of us. I got to capture some fun moments of her just being silly and exploring. It… Read more: a walk with Annie
- Color WalkThis is such a fun way to get outside, especially in the spring, and have the kids notice and search for all of the colors all around. So simple and so fun.
- Virginia is for loversVirginia is one special place. I love it for so many reasons- too many to count. One fun thing is that Virginia has love signs dotted all over the map. They are signs made out of any material and it is so fun to go… Read more: Virginia is for lovers
- Crafts with leavesFall is such a great time to use leaves as a craft supply. And the best part is going on a walk to collect them. One leaf craft we made last year was leaf bugs. Basically you just glue or staple leaves to a piece… Read more: Crafts with leaves
- Lego StampsI love doing crafts with my kids. We have a whole corner of our kitchen that is a dedicated craft area with a craft table (that is covered in paint splatters) and shelves for their supplies and all their creations hanging on the walls. I… Read more: Lego Stamps
- Penny twirlingAfter church one Sunday, Penny was twirling around our house in her skirt and it was a fun moment I wanted to capture. I had her walk out to the side of our house and let me take some pictures of her. I caught some… Read more: Penny twirling
- rock-a-byewritten 22 abril 2024 My turn to feed you tonight. The bottle I pumped the night before. You recently napped so aren’t as tired as usual. Half the bottle down No sign of drowsy You want to play. Your hands reach out to touch my… Read more: rock-a-bye
- any day nowwritten 20 abril 2024 I haven’t been able to give them away yet even though we need the space. To make room. Things are moving ahead in our house. There’s roller blades now. Taylor Swift. Dog Man. Chromebooks. 3-6 month clothes. My babies are growing.… Read more: any day now
- a little less littlewritten 21 marzo 2024 Most of the time I don’t feel it. I’m just going. But the smallest things will stop me in the quietest moments. Folding laundry and noting how small the socks are. Are they too small now? The little clothes in the… Read more: a little less little
- the world’s best frog catcherMilo loves catching frogs. No, let me rephrase that- Milo lives to catch frogs. It is a regular outing we go on. Even if we are just going on a walk or a bike ride, he will find places along the way to look for… Read more: the world’s best frog catcher
- Lois 4 monthsJust some pictures I took of Lois when she was about 4 months old. I noticed some beautiful light coming in through the window into our living room and had to take advantage of it. I love how these pictures highlight her strawberry blonde hair… Read more: Lois 4 months
- fairiesWe call Annie and Lois the bitty babes since they are the two littlest girls in the family. And we’ve had these fairy dress up wings for a while and I had a vision of the bitty babes playing in them in a beautiful green… Read more: fairies
- the bow seriesI took a series of pictures of Lois wearing all different colored bows. I loved all the patterns and colors of her various swaddles and outfits and I loved coordinating it all. It made for a very fun creative project for me (this is what… Read more: the bow series