Virginia is for lovers

Virginia is one special place. I love it for so many reasons- too many to count. One fun thing is that Virginia has love signs dotted all over the map. They are signs made out of any material and it is so fun to go on adventures to find them. One year for Valentine’s Day, Mark printed out a map of Virginia with all of the locations of the love signs. We went out and found a bunch of them that were close by for Valentine’s Day that year. We keep the tradition alive and have a running list of all of the love signs we have found. Anytime we go somewhere new in Virginia we always look up where the love signs are around that location and make sure we take a picture. The kids love it and love pointing them out if we happen to pass by one. Anytime we see a love sign unexpectedly, we have to pull over and get a picture (unless of course a baby is sleeping and we’ve been driving forever and we just need to get home :). It’s a fun tradition we have in our family and I love the love. Here’s a few pictures of some that we have been to over the years. Gotta get out to some new ones!