blessed mama

I hear them downstairs 
little voices and big hearts
dishes clanking
giggles and assertive toddlers.
footsteps coming up the stairs.
"Surprise mommy!"
blueberry pancakes on our biggest cutting board
with all the fixin's
"I poured the orange juice!"
"I helped daddy mix the batter!"
and so many cards and coupons.
only a little syrup on the bed.

She asks if I need anything all day long.
She reads to her sister.
Tries to cut the chicken herself.
can't do it.
She asks for help.
She does all the dishes herself.
She's never done that before.
The kitchen a mess from dinner and little helpers.
"Everyone outside for a popsicle!"

Off to the secret hide out.
Giggles and happy sounds.
Sounds of my mother's day.
One blessed mama.


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