
written 22 abril 2024

My turn to feed you tonight. 
The bottle I pumped the night before.
You recently napped
so aren't as tired as usual.
Half the bottle down
No sign of drowsy
You want to play.
Your hands reach out to touch my face.
Grabbing my cheeks, my lips, my nose.
The tiny bits of light streaming in from the hallway
light up your face.
Your bright eyes widely fixated on me.
I see them smiling even before I see your smile.
Your cheeks glisten.
I smile back at you.
I nuzzle your nose
hold your fingers.
Is there anything as soft as your hands in the whole wide world?
I think we'll just stay like this for a while.

Do you want the rest of your bottle?
Your eyes start to doze as you drink.
Full tummy. Finished.
You're out- with your hand clinging to my hair
As usual.
I rock you just a little longer this way.
Rock-a-bye, baby.