they need me downstairs

I love this time 
Our time
when it's just you and me
as I lay you down for your nap.
Turn on the sound maker.
Zip up the sleep sack.
See the light filter in through your fox and flower curtains.

Holding you as I walk back and forth
across your room.
Sometimes we rock.
Sometimes I sing.
Your head always resting on my shoulder.

Your breathing gets deeper.
I love feeling you inhale and exhale as I hold you.
Smelling your sweet baby smells.
I lean over to breathe you in.

I wish I could stay longer.
Watch you breathe for the next 2 hours.
Hold you for your whole nap.
Oh how I would if I could.
I know better now to savor these moments.

But they need me downstairs.
I left them playing
and the quiet playing won't last much longer.
She'll knock down his tower
or he'll get hungry.
They will need me.
To read to them
make them lunch
take them outside
help them on the potty.
Moments I am learning to savor as well.

So I will lay you here to rest.
Sweet dreams, little one.
I've so enjoyed our quiet snuggles.


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